Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Americans and their Peanut Butter


Just a quick update for you!

I started my TEFL class last Monday and so far it's going great! There are twelve other students in the class from all around the world and they're a lot of fun. We're in class from 9-12 and then 1-4. The workload is starting to pick up because we've started learning grammar and will have a big grammar paper and lesson plans due next week. Every Friday we have to teach a 20 minute mini-lesson to actual ESL students. I did my first one last Friday, which was a "How-to" lesson and it was a lot of fun!! The students are great. I taught them how to make a peanut butter and banana sandwich and they couldn't believe it's one of my favorite foods. One thing I've learned in Peru is that no one around the world eats peanut butter like we do. They think peanut butter belongs on toast and that's it. I heard the comment, "you Americans and your peanut butter" several times :) I love peanut butter. I had them actually make the sandwich and received great reviews. They were impressed that bananas and peanut butter was actually not disgusting. I have this week and next week left of class and the last week is teaching!

Last weekend some of my roommates and I went to a chocolate museum to learn how to make chocolate, from "bean to bar"! It was a lot of fun. We got to make our own chocolate (adding any kinds of ingredients we want--peanuts, almonds, coffee beans etc) and take it home with us.....Mine is almost gone :)

I would also really appreciate some prayers for everyone in my house...There's about 18 of us right now and of the 18 only about two are healthy. I just finished some medicine to get rid of a parasite and am feeling much better but everyone else is still pretty sick. Several other people have parasites, there's some kind of flu going around, and one girl is in the hospital with a respiratory infection. Because of the altitude, weather and thin air here, it takes a lot longer to heal and stay healthy. Thank you!!! :)

Plaza San Fransisco

This was actually taken on my birthday! A couple of my friends
and I went for a little hike because it was actually SUNNY!! :)

At the chocolate museum!

If you look closely you can see a rainbow! We've seen three complete
rainbows this week!!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you were doing TEFL, that's awesome! Your pics are GORGEOUS! Ahh!! so true, peanut butter is hard to come by in most other countries. My host mom in Spain said that when it came out there people just thought it was weird so no one buys it. One of my friends missed it so much that she would carry a jar around in her purse with her. And then she had her purse searched at a club, and the bouncers started cracking up and didn't know what to do. I think they confiscated it, just because it was funny. anyway. long post. LOVE YOU!
