Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lake Titicaca

Buenos días!!!
Just a quick update for you....

Lake Titicaca------I just got back from a three day trip to Lake Titicaca where I went on a boat tour of the floating islands and then stayed with a family on the Island Amantaní. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. I've never seen water so blue and clear....and we were at an even higher altitude than Cusco so I got fairly burnt :) The family cooked for us and gave us traditional clothing to put on before we went to the dance in town. It was a lot of fun but we had spent the night before on a bus so we were exhausted and fell asleep verrrry early :)

Daycare-----the kids are SO cute. My friend and I were invited to dinner at the house of one of the ladies that works there, which was amazing! She made us crepes, mini sandwiches, ice cream and apple pie!! That's my kind of dinner :) Her name is Irma-she's so sweet and very appreciative. It was fun chatting with her because it's usually so busy and loud at work that we don't get a chance to talk. She was telling us that several of the parents of the kids also grew up in the daycare and it's kind of like one big family.

The next month-----The next month is going to be a little different for me. Tomorrow I'm leaving with three friends on a four day jungle trek to Machu Pichu!! Prayers would be appreciated because we'll be walking about 8 hours a day and staying in hostels each night...AHH. I'll deserve a huge bowl of ice cream after that if you ask me. When I get back I'll spend a couple more days at the daycare and then I'm actually going to take a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) class through the organization I'm here with. It's everyday 9am-4pm for four weeks and when I'm done I'll be able to teach English anywhere in the world. (Including the US......) I'm really excited about it because I would love to be able to teach an ESL class when I get home. After the class I'll have a few more weeks left in Cusco and will continue my volunteering!! I can't believe it's already mid-March!! My trip is flying by.

And since I'm procrastinating packing for Machu Pichu, I'll leave you with some pictures!!!! If you know me, then you know this is not an easy task. Chronic over-packer right here. And I have to carry everything with me so I'm realllllly trying to downsize!! It's not working so well!!

My favorite picture!!!! Chaska!!!

Aron...always eating. His food, someone
elses food....doesn't matter

Luis :)

2-3 year old room

Shawn had candy...and instant best friends.

Watching kids songs

Floating islands on Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca

Traditional clothes for our dance :)

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